White House Announces Support for New Nuclear Power Plants

The administration is establishing a new advisor group and publishes a safety report.

This week, the White House announced several measures to support new nuclear power plants in the United States, advancing efforts to increase carbon-free forms of power generation. 

A new group of experts and advisors is being developed to guide President Biden’s administration as it partners with all of the teams necessary to construct new nuclear power facilities. The U.S. Army is also developing advanced reactor deployment to power certain federally owned buildings. In addition, the Department of Energy released a paper outlining updated safety measures for advanced reactor development.

“In the decisive decade for climate action, we need to pull as many of the tools for decarbonization off the sidelines and onto the field,” said White House National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the president and his advisors to seek God’s wisdom regarding the nation’s power supply, transmission, and development.
  • For Advisor Zaidi to be led by the Lord as he promotes resources to address the climate.

Sources: Reuters, The White House


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